Tool: Who Is In My Circle?

The role of a coach requires respect and empathy for the families they serve--as well as a fluid approach. It also calls for self-awareness and a willingness to ask for help when it is needed.

This tool helps coaches leverage the expertise, power, and support of their network to care for themselves and others. Completing it proactively produces an easily accessible and visual resource that maps the people who can help a coach face different challenges.

Read more about how coaches and other practitioners can turn toward their professional networks on the TPA Insights blog.

Below is a PDF you can print, download or view full screen. See the toolbar at the top of the PDF for these various options. If you view in full screen, to get back to the normal page view, click the toggle in the toolbar at the bottom of the PDF.


The Prosperity Agenda provides these resources as the designated national administrator of Family-Centered Coaching.